Wednesday, May 16, 2012

What To Keep In Mind When Planning Basketball Drills

While basketball players may find drills tedious, they are an important part of the sport. There aren't many sports that are more physically demanding than basketball, and there are many distinct skills that must be honed over time. Whether the players are young children or college athletes, the principles remain the same. So let's take a look at some of the most effective ways to plan productive basketball drills.

Every basketball player must learn to effectively pass the ball. This is a mental part of the game as well as physical. Some players have the instinct to shoot from any position, and must learn to pass when this is the best thing for the team. Passing drills can help to both enhance the players' physical abilities in this area and also get them accustomed to passing the ball to teammates. Passes, of course, take place from many different positions on the court. One skill that should be practiced consistently is the bounce pass, where the ball is bounced as it's passed to another player. Equally important is the chest pass, where the ball is passed at chest level. Passing the ball is a difficult skill to master, and players must develop good instincts to know when it's time to pass. It's therefore a good idea to practice a variety of drills that emphasize passing the ball.

To be a good basketball player, you must have several physical characteristics. Among the most important are speed, reflexes and agility. These are, to some extent, inborn but they can also be enhanced through practice. Footwork in particular is very fundamental in basketball, and players must not only be fast but also be able to change directions instantly. One tool that can help with these abilities is an agility ladder. This is a simple piece of equipment that's used to train athletes in many different sports, and it can be very effective for basketball players as well. Practicing exercises with an agility ladder will help players develop their speed, balance and agility.

Although all basketball players must develop the same basic skills, it's also essential to recognize the current level of each player. When planning basketball drills, it's best to keep players of similar ages and abilities working together. When working with kids, for example, it's not a good idea to mix up different ages too much. This will make it too difficult for the younger players, and not challenging enough for the older players. Even when it comes to players in the same age group. It's good to separate beginners from more advanced players. This will help make practice sessions more enjoyable and productive for everyone.

In conclusion, it's hard to overestimate the importance of basketball drills for helping players develop into better athletes. There are countless drills that can be practiced for a variety of purposes. Some are mainly for physical conditioning, while others are for perfecting specific skills. Players should be exposed to many different basketball drills to help them develop a wide range of abilities.

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